7.3 Features

  • Maximum Distance between nodes: 30m
  • Minimum Distance between nodes: 13cm


The data transfer lines (Ethernet / RS232 / RS422) are on pin 1, 2, 3 and 6. The powersupply is positive on pin 4 and 5 and with the negative potential (usually GND) on pin 7 and 8.

It is not relevant on which end you give power to a Beacon Line (Gateway or last Node). The direction is neutral.

The nominal voltage range is from 12VDC…to….24VDC. The maximum power is 28 Volts. The minimum power is depending on your layout (number of Nodes and length of cables), but please never give less than 6VDC to a Beacon Line.

For example: One Gateway with two Nodes and 10meter cable each 12VDC is enough.

The electricity is not exceeding 400mA and usually is in a range of 200mA.

Small overvoltage will be taken by the internal mains supply circuit. High electric tension like you have sometimes in a vehicle, should buffered first or caused in damage of hardware, humans and environment.